Samuel De Champlain was a French Navigator. He was born the year of 1567. Champlain’s exact birth date is unknown.  He was born and raised in Brouage, Saintonge. This was on the Bay of Biscay.  As a child, he retained first-hand experience about navigation.  This was due to his father being a ship captain himself.  Considering his father was captain, he taught him every trick of the trade. This most likely what influenced him to become a navigator. Early during his life he went to sea and became a soldier. Later on in his life when he was about twenty years old he joined the French army.  He served for roughly 17 years.

                In January, the year of 1599, Champlain set off on his first journey. Champlain sailed in command of his ship, the St. Julien accompanied by his nephew. Due to his great knowledge about navigation he had been chosen to be captain of his voyage. During his voyage which was two years and a half, he visited many places. One well known island was visited. This was Vera Cruz. They also progressed as far as Mexico on their voyage. They even went as far as panama in which they returned by. Where they also formulated “a plan of a ship-canal across the isthmus, reaching Spain in March.”

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                Champlain’s most well known voyage was the voyage that established fur trading. Upon returning to France he received a pension from King Henry the 4th. Urging him to search the area given. Though a problem had occurred. Before he had been able to clear any ground for the erection of buildings, he discovered someone had been planning to assassinate him. In the year of 1603 he set sail. They started at the St Lawrence River and the Saguenay River. This part of the voyage went as far as the Gaspe of Peninsula. Once this destination was reached he decided to turn back to France and search for a northwest passage. About three other voyages took place. Once settling into Quebec with 32 other colonists, they established the fur trading center. Once arriving there, they experienced not much trouble.

They had become good friends with the Natives. By them being so close, they were company during the expedition against the Iroquois.  While on their expedition they encountered a group of Algonquins and Hurons. They too accompanied them. There are two myths about how Champlain discovered Lake Champlain. The first one is that when they reached the rapids, his crew and ship had been forced to turn back. Though, Champlain himself continued on canoe. Therefore the lake was named after him. The next is that while on their expedition, Champlain discovered the lake. Most people believe in the second myth.  One problem they face when they came was that only nine Colonists survived the brutal winter. Luckily more colonists came when the summer approached. 

De Champlain constantly returned back to the natives. Each time he was warmly welcomed. He did all he could to grow and develop the colony he loved. He tried his hardest and taught the colony French language. Making their bond to France tighter. De Champlain died in Quebec. This was in the year of 1635, on December 25th.  In all, De Champlain was known for many things. His accomplishments varied. This wonderful man has mapped most of Northeast of North America. He discovered a lake along the border of Vermont and New York which he even named after himself. He started a settlement in Quebec and exposed France to the New World. This was a great man.



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